"What should I use to clean my retainer?" It's probably the most common question we get at DentaKit.com. We carry five different retainer cleaners. Choosing the best one for you depends on several factors:
- What type of retainer do you have -- Essix/Invisalign (clear plastic) or Hawley (metal wire and acrylic) ?
- How often do you wear your retainer?
- Does your retainer already have a lot of white plaque buildup?
Clear Plastic Retainers and Invisalign Aligners
If you wear a clear plastic retainer (which is called an Essix retainer), or if you wear Invisalign or clear aligners, then you can clean your retainer with any of the products we carry. If your retainer already has a lot of white plaque buildup, we suggest cleaning it with
DentaSoak or
SonicBrite. Both of those products are very strong and will usually remove the white buildup after 3 or 4 consecutive cleanings.
OAP Foam is also a great product to use for clear plastic aligners or retainers.
You should not brush a clear plastic retainer or aligner, and never use toothpaste on it. Brushing puts microscopic scratches in the plastic, and toothpaste tends to leave a gunky film on the inside of the retainer or aligner.
Hawley Retainers (Metal Wire and Acrylic)
If you wear a Hawley retainer, you need to know whether it contains metal solder before you can know the proper way to clean it. Hawley retainers that contain metal solder should not be soaked on a daily basis. Most retainer cleaners that require soaking will eventually eat away at the solder, causing it to turn black and crumble off. Sometimes the piece that is soldered on is an "afterthought" that is not really important. If you aren't sure whether your Hawley retainer contains metal solder, or whether the soldered piece is important, ask your dentist or orthodontist.
If your Hawley retainer contains metal solder, the best way to clean it is with a toothbrush and
Cleanse Freshen Go Spray or
OAP Cleaner. If your Hawley retainer does not contain metal solder, you can use any of the retainer cleaning products that we carry.
Wear Your Retainer 24/7?
If you wear your retainer 24/7, check out
Cleanse Freshen Go retainer cleaning wipes. They are great for situations when you need to freshen
your retainer but don't have access to clean running water.
Is Your Retainer Shiny and New? Keep It That Way!!
If your retainer is brand new, with little or no white plaque buildup,
Retainer Brite does a great job of keeping it clean. Be sure to use it
every single day, and you will keep odors and plaque under control. The worst mistake that most people make with a new retainer is not cleaning it often enough with a product that kills odor-causing bacteria.
If you're still confused, check out our
Retainer Cleaner Comparison Chart. And soon, we will have a video, and an automated "wizard" tool on our website which will help you decide, too!